Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 6.0


This contribution is part of XML component inside nuxeo-drive-core-6.0.jar

Extension Point

Extension point providers of component PageProviderService.

Contributed Items

  • <coreQueryPageProvider name="FOLDER_ITEM_CHILDREN">
            SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:parentId = ?
            AND ecm:isCheckedInVersion = 0
            AND ecm:isProxy = 0
            AND ecm:currentLifeCycleState != 'deleted'
            AND ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation'
          <sort ascending="true" column="dc:created"/>
          <property name="maxResults">PAGE_SIZE</property>

XML Source

<extension point="providers" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.query.api.PageProviderService">

    <coreQueryPageProvider name="FOLDER_ITEM_CHILDREN">
        SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:parentId = ?
        AND ecm:isCheckedInVersion = 0
        AND ecm:isProxy = 0
        AND ecm:currentLifeCycleState != 'deleted'
        AND ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation'
      <sort ascending="true" column="dc:created"/>
      <property name="maxResults">PAGE_SIZE</property>
